Online Lead Conversion Just Got A Lot Harder

As tech gets smarter, online lead gen platforms face more restrictions, and consumers get less tolerant of marketing, agents are faced with a sharp decline in their lead conversion.   The barriers between us and the consumer’s inboxes are higher and more numerous than ever before, so how do we still convert leads at a high level?   In this episode, we talk about a problem all agents are facing in their lead generation efforts and how to work around it.   The first connection you make with someone needs to be authentic. The chances of them opting out of receiving your text are less if you started the relationship with a live call. -Greg Harrelson   Three Things You’ll Learn In This Episode     How to remove the barriers to the inboxIf people treat a text from an unsaved number as spam, how can we work around it? Why we can’t hide behind technology anymoreIs the answer to better lead conversion as simple as a new text script? The database of the futureWhy should our focus be on deepening our relationships instead of going wide?

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