Kingdom vs Culture: Cultural Relevance or Biblical Accuracy?

Today we are diving into how culture affects Christianity.If a society has forgotten God, how can we recognize evil? With the recent launch of Lil Nas X music video and Satan Shoes, many are outraged.How do Christians navigate through a world where culture relevance trumps Biblical accuracy? Where it is acceptable to mock Christianity but not question culture. We find ourselves in a society where God's truth is pushed aside so that hype and trending hashtags can reign supreme. ...

Om Podcasten

Do you value Truth and Freedom? Are you tired of following the mainstream? Amanda Ensing is a Beauty Guru who decided it was time to speak up and go against the grain. It is time to "cancel"cancel culture and speak truth even when it's not popular. Join us on Thursdays for unfiltered truth and discussions on faith, politics, current events, business, & more!