051 - The Library Value Agenda feat. Donna Lanclos and Dorothea Salo

librarypunk - En podcast af librarypunk


Readings Library Strategy and Collaboration Across the College Ecosystem - Ithaka S+R Huang, C., Samek, T., & Shiri, A. (2021). AI and ethics: Ethical and educational perspectives for LIS. https://doi.org/10.3138/jelis-62-4-2020-0106  A Comprehensive Primer to Library Learning Analytics Practices, Initiatives, and Privacy Issues | Jones  The Mixed-Method Library:  Qualitative Research and the Future of Assessment in Libraries Media mentioned   Roxanne Shirazi https://www.jstor.org/stable/10.5749/j.ctt1pwt6wq.11?seq=1  Who Succeeds in Higher Education? Questioning the Connection Between Academic Libraries & Student Success. – Zoe Fisher .  University of Wisconsin Circulation and E-Resource Access Records  Soylent Semantic Web Is People!, slides. Andrew Asher - Project MUSE - Unethical Numbers? A Meta-analysis of Library Learning Analytics Studies

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