Life is a Ceremony Podcast EP 24: From Amazonia to the Himalayas – Ancestral Wisdom for Modern Critical Times

In this episode Roman Hanis discuss the origin and spiritual disciplines within the Amazonian, Andean and Tibetan indigenous traditions as well as their practical benefit in our modern world during this time of global crisis. Topics include: - Unconditional Love & Practical Wisdom vs. Shamanic Tourism - Union of complementary opposites in nature as the Mother Earth/Father Son to awaken the Highest Potential with one self - Connecting internal sicknesses and diseases to external sicknesses and diseases and finding resolution within one's own psyche and the balance of nature.

Om Podcasten

In this episode Roman Hanis from the Paititi Institute and Simon Fyall from the Verity Foundation share meaning, humor and insights of Fatherhood as an evolutionary journey through their own life experiences. Topics include: - Looking at fatherhood through a lens of consciousness transformation - Finding personal authenticity within family life - Exposed ways of clinging to comfort zone, habits, and coping mechanisms - Not being perfect and not making the challenges wrong - Integrating wisdom from life experience into the journey of fatherhood - Ways that fathers can find support for the greater process - Recognizing and holding space for the inner child - How to maintain healthy intimate relationships through-out parenthood - Mother and father supporting each other through their limitations