Lifting The Lid - Episode 106 - The one where we talk about the impact on coaching of anxiety about the world’s uncertainties

Clare and Steve wonder whether the anxiety that coaches, and clients, feel about the state of the world, leads to lower levels of courageous intervention in our coaching. This episode takes us through a model called BANI, developed by Jamais Cascio to replace VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous), which Jamais suggests is becoming obsolete as the pace of change has become even greater. BANI stands for:BrittleAnxiousNon-linearIncomprehensibleYou can read more about it here: As always, we encourage you to bring anything to supervision when you feel brittle or anxious and when the situation feels non-linear or incomprehensible. Given the complexities, this may need to be a theme for your supervision for a while.

Om Podcasten

Welcome to this monthly podcast in which Clare Norman and Steve Ridgley ‘lift the lid’ on coaching supervision.We are both experienced coaches and coach supervisors, passionate about the value that comes from supervision. We will share our experiences, knowledge, wisdom and insight as we set out in this podcast series to explore what supervision is, what it isn’t, what it’s like, how you might show up, what you might bring and how to get the most out of supervision.We will share stories on this journey. Sometimes our personal stories, both as a coach and as a supervisor, but also examples of what coaches have brought to some of our supervision sessions.It’s basically just Clare and Steve having a chat, swapping anecdotes and lifting the lid on key questions that might exist for coaches who are yet to explore supervision or who don’t feel they get value from being in supervision. Questions such as…How is supervision different to coaching?Group supervision, mentor coaching, 1-2-1, peer supervision - which do I choose?What should I take to supervision?Am I resourced enough to coach?Can I talk about my business with my supervisor?Am I in a rut as a coach?How do I move my client forward?Am I leading my client?Is the goal everything?… and much much more.Join us on our monthly exploration of coaching supervision as we set out to tell some truths and lift the lid on supervision.You can reach us directly at:Clare Norman - [email protected] Ridgley - [email protected] you would like to know more, or for us to explore a specific topic, send us your question.This podcast is supported by:The Association of Coaching Supervisors McGraw Hill Publishing