Life After Opioids: How Pain Can Improve Without Pills (Beth Darnall, PhD)

After fighting her own battle with chronic pain at a young age, Dr. Beth Darnall is on a mission to provide people in pain with the answers and access she wishes she had all those years ago. These answers, she believes, don’t lie in pills, but in the human brain. Dr. Darnall is currently leading a $9M research award to find effective strategies for tapering off opioids and to validate the psychological interventions she believes can help many of those who suffer. Join us as she offers advice for pain sufferers, providers, and payers on how to move forward from the opioid epidemic, and reduce pain safely.

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Struggling with chronic pain? Listen in to learn about the amazing ways our thoughts, feelings, and experiences can impact our physical health and perpetuate symptoms. On each episode, we interview physicians, researchers, and ordinary people who have incredible stories to tell about the power of the mindbody connection. This podcast is a free resource brought to you by Curable: the #1 app for chronic pain self care.