Slow and Steady Recovery from Post-Concussion Syndrome

After participating in her college horseback riding team, Katia started to experience a combination of physical symptoms that baffled her. Her constant background headache, whiplash, and body aches eventually turned into migraines that lasted for half of each month. Katia was later diagnosed with Post-Concussion Syndrome and spent years shrinking her life to fit around her symptoms. Today, Katia has finally discovered her path to healing and managed to reduce her symptoms by about 85% over the course of two years. Tune in to hear about Katia’s slow and steady path to recovery and learn exactly what she did to find relief.

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Struggling with chronic pain? Listen in to learn about the amazing ways our thoughts, feelings, and experiences can impact our physical health and perpetuate symptoms. On each episode, we interview physicians, researchers, and ordinary people who have incredible stories to tell about the power of the mindbody connection. This podcast is a free resource brought to you by Curable: the #1 app for chronic pain self care.