Does Money Equal Happiness? Comedian Paul Ollinger (ep. 644)

Paul Ollinger is a nationally-touring comedian and a former Facebook VP of Sales. As one of Facebook's first 250 employees, Paul managed a team that generated about 35% of the company’s revenue. After retiring from Facebook at 42, Paul found himself bored, lonely and unfulfilled. Wondering why the wealth windfall he had so long pursued didn’t deliver the contentment he expected, Paul launched the Crazy Money Podcast to explore the connections between money and happiness. Today, Paul shares how his childhood shaped his traditional conservative economic outlook, how he weighed his success in how much money he made, and ultimately how he learned that money's only one attribute to a multivariable equation for happiness in life. My friends, you’ll leave this conversation with a newfound appreciation for the complexities of happiness beyond wealth.

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Expected to die, today he’s inspiring others to truly live. World-renowned inspirational speaker + national bestselling author John O’Leary wants to help you wake up from accidental living so you can do, be, achieve and impact more through your life. Every Monday, John shares a quick burst of inspiration to help start your week on fire. Every Thursday, John interviews an amazing guest on their story, successes, failures, lessons, and life to help you uncover tips to apply in yours.