What Taking a Break can Create

Five years ago, if someone had told me that I would take 8 weeks off my podcast- I would have dismissed that idea. Back then, I would have told you that wasn't what successful people do. But this year, things were different. This year with a lot of unknowns, I decided to embark on a journey or self-discovery and healing and today I'm eager to share my experience and insights with you. Can’t wait to hear what you think!  &&& Exciting news mentioned in this episode:  If you wanna kick off NEW YEARS with me! Come join our totally free webinar where I’m breaking out how I’m crafting my vision for 2024 that I think could be really helpful for you too! Just click this link to sign up for the Workshop.  January 26th 9am-12pm MT.  We'll be also sharing the details of the new Project CALM Connection Project at that workshop. So sign up to attend! You won't want to miss it! Grab a spot HERE Connect with me on Instagram: @chantelallencoaching  & come check out our new YouTube channel: @ChantelAllenCoaching

Om Podcasten

Learn how to stop overthinking and overdoing so you can connect to the one thing you shy away from: your emotions. I’ll show you how to align your head and your heart so you can harness the power of emotion to take control of your life and create the impact you dream of. www.chantelallencoaching.com