Why your kids not having friends may not be a bad thing

Do you ever worry that your kids not having friends in the way you think they should- might be a bad thing?  Do you find yourself worrying what is going on?  Do you blame yourself? Do you try to 'fix' the problem? What if I shared with you that having no friends isn't a bad thing after all? How would you look at the situation differently? How would you approach your kids situations?  Today I want to share my own personal experience with this and what I'm choosing to do with it differently. If you're wanting to grab a 1:1 spot to learn how to connect more to yourself-  sign up with this link here.  Show Notes found HERE

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Learn how to stop overthinking and overdoing so you can connect to the one thing you shy away from: your emotions. I’ll show you how to align your head and your heart so you can harness the power of emotion to take control of your life and create the impact you dream of. www.chantelallencoaching.com