Burnout - At What Cost? How Mallory Rowan Is Changing The Dialogue For A Younger Generation

Burnout isn't just for us middle agers anymore... However, unlike the Baby Boomers and Generation Xer's - this new generation is quicker to ask for help- reflect and pivot. Just ask Mallory Rowan. In this podcast we talk about Mallory's quick rise with a global brand and the physical and emotional toll it took. Mallory refocused, restructured and a rebuilt a business with a different focus: Health & Wellness.  She now helps others, especially Millennials and Gen Z's to shift their behaviours and habits even when they face the uphill battle of "success porn" and the influence of social media.  I love that we chat about authors and books that are shifting our view on success and the "hustle" and why the "hustle" isn't always what its cracked up to be. We hit on fitness, food, sleep, entrepreneurial life, breaking habits, shifting thought patterns and the list goes on. For more information you can check out Mallory's Website. See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

Om Podcasten

Lianne is a veteran television broadcaster whose show aims to educate, entertain and inspire listeners to make informed choices to live longer, healthier and more fulfilled lives. Leaving behind the time constraints and commercial breaks of TV, she took her passion for health and wellness to a podcast platform giving her the time to dive deeper into the personal stories and life experiences. Always a storyteller and with her incredible network of experts she hits on limitless topics related to healthy living both physically, mentally and spiritually for everyone.