#121 - How to feel better with Ruth Kudzi

On this episode I chat with Master Certified Coach Ruth Kudzi ahead of the launch of her second book, ‘How to Feel Better: 4 Steps to Self-Coach Your Way to a Happier More Authentic You’. Listen in to our conversation about self-coaching and the ways you can help yourself to ‘feel better’.   About Clair: CLAIR MACKENZIE IS A LIFE & WEIGHT COACH WHO HELPS FEMALE PROFESSIONALS AND ENTREPRENEURS LOSE WEIGHT BY TRANSFORMING THEIR RELATIONSHIP WITH FOOD AND THEMSELVES FOR LIFE. Clair’s uses an array of coaching tools and techniques to help women, who are done with dieting, take control of their eating whilst increasing their self-belief and self-worth. “There is nothing more rewarding than helping someone overcome their detrimental relationship with food so that they can thrive in optimal physical and mental wellbeing.” After overcoming decades of struggling with her own weight and losing 6 stone Clair used her experience and coaching qualifications to create her two programmes; ‘Lose Weight. Live Life’ for her private clients and her ‘My One Life Academy’ membership program. Before following her passion to help women lose weight and transform their lives, Clair worked for a global blue-chip organisation in various marketing and consulting roles. Clair has been featured on the BBC, interviewed for various podcasts, and loves speaking about how she helps women at events. Clair lives in rural Warwickshire with her husband, teenage children and their two dogs. Clair's Links: Facebook Twitter Instagram LinkedIn Website

Om Podcasten

If you are a busy professional or entrepreneur who would do anything to lose weight, and yet finds it impossible to stick to a diet, to eat less, or just what you know you should, this podcast is for you. Listen in to learn how to stop overeating, lose weight for the last time and create a relationship with food that you love. All without diet deprivation and self-sabotage. Listen in to discover how to… - take time out for you – without taking anything away from your work or relationships - reduce your hunger for food - become the boss of your food brain so that it is easier to make healthier food choices that take you close to your weight goals - manage your mind so that you do not desire food so much or feel deprived - end emotional eating - put yourself first without taking anyway away from your work or relationships Your host is Clair MacKenzie, a certified life, health, and weight loss coach. Clair uses an array of coaching tools and techniques to help successful women, who are ‘done with dieting’, take control of their eating and create a relationship with food and themselves that they love. Clair lost 6 stone after struggling with her own weight for decades and decided to follow her passion to help women lose weight and transform their lives. Before she was a coach, Clair worked for a global blue-chip organisation in various marketing and consulting roles. Clair has been featured on the BBC, interviewed for various podcasts, and loves speaking about the power of mindset to help women transform their lives. You can find out more about Clair and her coaching programs at https://www.thebestyou.coach.