Scott's very very very graphic nightmare sex story

If that title isn't enough of a warning, well then that's on you! We were recently interviewed by Abbie Chatfield on her podcast It's A Lot where she gets people to tell extremely f*cked up 'nightmare fuel' stories, and the story Scott chose to tell involves a murder motel, a man in his 50s, his ute and his foreskin. Yeh, it's graphic alright. If you can handle it, strap in to hear the story, and then next week Lukaboy will bring us his nightmare fuel which involves being gaslit and blind-sighted. If you want more f*cked up nightmare fuel stories with Abbie, check out her podcast It's A Lot wherever you get your pods.   CREDITS: Hosts: Luke And Sassy Scott and Abbie Chatfield Producer: Mandy Catalano Supervising Producer: Lem Zakharia Executive Digital Producer: Oscar Gordon Social and Video Producer: Amy Code Audio imager: Nat Marshall Managing Producer: Sam Cavanagh Talent Manager: Kirsty KassabisSee for privacy information.

Om Podcasten

They became TikTok famous for their hilarious sibling squabbles, now brothers Luke and Scott share their outrageous, extremely personal and detailed stories on their podcast hoping others can relate and feel less crazy! They also take part in a series of pranks, constantly throwing each other under the bus and having a lot of laughs along the way. Hear them every Monday for all your pop culture news on TRENDING and Wednesdays for your dose of family nostalgia, pranks, and hilarious stories.  Find the podcast on Instagram at @lukeandsassyscottpodcast