Artist Profile Series E35: Simone Weil
Makers & Mystics - En podcast af Stephen Roach
Simone Weil was a French philosopher, mystic and political activist. She was born February 3rd, 1909 in Paris, France and died On August 24th, 1943. In her short, thirty four years of life, Simone Weil worked in factories, trained with anarchists for the Spanish Civil war, taught philosophy, ministered to the poor, served as a military nurse and wrote prolifically about her social philosophy and thoughts on God. After her death, posthumous publications of her writings catapulted her to a status of one of the great religious philosophers of the 20th century. Spiritual seekers, countercultural thinkers, Christians and atheists alike were each moved by her revolutionary ideas and the way she embodied her convictions through radical activism. Her spiritual life was marked by three significant mystical encounters which turned this unlikely convert into a devoted, albeit, reluctant follower of Jesus.