Data-Driven Apartment Revolution: Unveiling Norhart's Innovation Journey | Part 2

Welcome back to Part 2 of our captivating podcast series, where we continue our deep exploration of innovation in an often-overlooked domain – the world of apartments. Join us as we reconnect with Mike Kaeding, CEO of Norhart, a visionary company that's turning the apartment industry upside down through data-driven technologies and efficiency strategies. In this episode, we pick up where we left off, starting with Norhart's unique differentiation at 00:12. Discover the technology breakthroughs that have finally arrived at 02:55 and how data plays a pivotal role in reshaping apartment living (explored at 09:08). Dive into the concept of smart apartments (10:38) and the fascinating journey of "I Told You So" at 17:41. But the learning doesn't stop there. Mike shares insights into continuous learning (18:35) and how embracing "No Rules Rules" (20:40) can foster innovation and growth. Connect with Mike Kaeding on LinkedIn [] and explore Norhart's groundbreaking work on their website []. For the full podcast episode, visit []. Are you passionate about data-driven innovation and eager to share your insights on the Making Data Simple Podcast? Reach out to us at [email protected] and let us know why you should be our next featured guest. Hosted by Al Martin, WW VP Technical Sales at IBM, our podcast simplifies the world of data, presenting the latest data trends in an engaging, enjoyable manner. 00:12 Norhart Differentiation02:55 Finally!  The Technology09:08 Data10:38 Smart Apartments17:41 What to do with I Told You So18:35 Continuous Learning20:40 No Rules Rules LinkedIn: Website: Podcast: Want to be featured as a guest on Making Data Simple? Reach out to us at [email protected] and tell us why you should be next. The Making Data Simple Podcast is hosted by Al Martin, WW VP Technical Sales, IBM, where we explore trending technologies, business innovation, and leadership ... while keeping it simple & fun.

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Hosted by Al Martin, IBM VP of Data and A.I. Development, Making Data Simple provides the latest thinking on big data, A.I., and the implications for the enterprise from a range of experts.