Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 1/4/24

On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, President Biden is playing from the same playbook that the Democrats put out against Donald Trump in 2020, claiming to save our democracy while burning down our Constitutional republic. Biden has a decades-long history of bigotry and white supremacy, and he is a diabolical simpleton that only cares about power and enriching his family. Biden is a Marxist wannabe implementing the Obama-Sanders Marxist plan, and the pathetic media will let Biden run as the savior of democracy. Also, the meaning of the 14th Amendment is clear, it was written to identify Confederate officers as insurrectionists, but Democrats are rewriting history to make that include the President so it can be applied to Trump. This won’t stop people like Chris Christie from going on The View and sounding like an unhinged blithering idiot to call Trump an insurrectionist. We are being led into another Civil War with all of the election interference and efforts to remove Trump from the ballot. Later, Mark speaks with Trent Staggs, candidate for Senate in Utah, about the upcoming election and an anti-Semitic situation with Kyrie Irving at a Utah Jazz game. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Mark Levin is one of the hottest talk radio hosts in America. A prominent conservative commentator, best-selling author and constitutional scholar, Mark offers fresh takes on daily news headlines and dissects important events of the day. Heard weeknights on nearly 400 radio stations, Levin is loved in every corner of America. He cuts through the noise with his passion and intellect, often saying things others won’t. Or as Mark himself would declare: “That’s right. I said it!”