249: Decluttering Beliefs-Rewriting the Narrative of Aging

It's time to get cozy and dive into something we all think about but don't always chat about - aging. Yep, you heard me. This week, I'm spilling the tea on getting older, all sparked by a laugh-out-loud moment with my kiddo, Levi, and my unexpected journey into the world of silver strands. This conversation isn't just about gray hairs and laugh lines; it's a candid look at how the anti-aging narrative influences our self-perception, spending habits, and the clutter – both physical and emotional – that accumulates as a result. We'll dive into the roots of our clutter and how it's intertwined with our fears of aging. Here's what you'll learn: How social media and the $93 billion anti-aging industry shape our views on aging. The emotional and financial clutter tied to our fear of aging. Strategies for embracing aging with grace, from shifting mindsets to practical steps for decluttering our lives and finances. Tune in as we laugh, reflect, and maybe even change the way we think about those sneaky silver hairs and laugh lines. Because, let’s face it, aging is inevitable, but how we feel about it? That's totally up to us. Links Mentioned in the Episode Ready to declutter your finances? Grab Drop the Debt

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You can simplify your life and Katy Wells will show you how. Katy is the host of the globally recognized Top-50 Podcast, The Maximized Minimalist, and a leading declutter expert. It’s her mission to uncover the root cause of people’s clutter problems and guide them through practical and sustainable solutions in the forms of decluttering physical, mental and emotional clutter and what’s holding them back in life. Through her online programs, social media channels, youtube channel and podcast, she has helped hundreds of thousands of families transform their home from chaotic to calm, have less stress and anxiety and gain freedom from clutter. Tune in and buckle up - your life is about the change. Listen weekly on Wednesdays! Get started decluttering your home with her FREE guide here: https://www.decluttersurvivalguide.com To learn more about Katy and her signature programs go to: https://www.katyjoywells.com