52. Christianity as Process (w/ Jay McDaniel)
Metamodern Spirituality - En podcast af Brendan Graham Dempsey
Process theologian Jay McDaniel joins me to discuss the contributions of process thought to the Christian tradition. What points of similarity and dissimilarity are there between process thinking and traditional, modern, and postmodern lenses?
0:00 Introduction
1:06 What Does Theology Look Like from a "Process" Lens?
Relationship with Traditional Faith
5:44 A Feeling, Responding God
8:40 Not All-Powerful
14:40 A Dynamic, Living Whole
Relationship with Modern Thought
19:41 The Naturalistic Paradigm and (the) Beyond
24:30 A Theology of Organism and Complexity
29:30 "God" as Counter-Entropic Lure and Preserver of Good
39:33 A Modern Gestalt for Christianity?
49:31 Looking Forward, Not Back
54:52 The Pathos of God
Relationship with Postmodern Thought
1:04:38 Play, Beauty, Reality
Relationship with Metamodernism
1:10:33 Lineages, Legacies, and Futures
1:14:40 Conclusion