Can You Beat the Market? Pete Matthew Podcaster and Personal Finance Expert

Is it possible to beat the market and if so how? We explore this question and much more in this interview with Pete Matthew, who is the podcaster, author of Meaningful Money and is also a Chartered Financial Planner.  Pete Matthew's podcast Meaningful Money has been downloaded over 5 million times! He is the UK leading authority on personal finance. He shares his experience in this Millennial Money Mindset podcast episode. What are Pete's three uses of money? What makes life meaningful? How did Pete start his Meaningful Money Journey? He reveals all this and more in this two-part podcast episode. This is the final interview of season 4 of the podcast. I have saved the best for last. Be sure to listen to this episode as it's packed full of value!  

Om Podcasten

Making money fun, simple and achievable by educating, empowering and inspiring to gain money mindset by putting you back in charge of your money and investing. This podcast is hosted by the author of the FT prize shortlisted book Millennial Money Mindset: If you want the fruits you need the roots