237: Net Worth of 5.9M - Five More Millions in Just Eight Years

Keisha has a net worth of 5.9MM, of which 2.5M is in a taxable brokerage and 1.5M in a 401(k). Keisha is a business executive and shares her story which began growing up poor and worrying about money. Through resilience and her educational pursuits she has become very financially successful. She has no debt, no real estate beyond her primary home, and grew her net worth by five million dollars in just eight years.

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Millionaires Unveiled interviews and tells the stories of everyday millionaires. We provide detailed insight into their investing strategies and current portfolio allocation. How did they get started? What decisions did they make along the way? How has their portfolio allocation changed, and what are they doing now to not only keep, but also grow, their highly sought after "millionaire" status? From these extensive and thought provoking interviews, you'll be able to assess your current portfolio allocation, learn investing strategies, and join the fast track to financial success.