122. The Maya Saw this World Coming – Carl Johan Calleman
Mind the Shift - En podcast af Anders Bolling

The ancient Maya taught that consciousness is primary, and that matter is the manifestation of a thought, if you will, that arose in the all-encompassing primordial consciousness. This knowledge is at the core of the work of Carl Johan Calleman. He is originally a trained biologist and chemist, but he has dedicated most of his career to studying the wisdom of the Maya and has written eight books on the subject. There is a hidden meaning behind the mythical plumed serpent, theme of the Kukulcan pyramid in Chichen Itzá, Carl Johan explains: Consciousness has expressed itself gradually in the universe – it has come in nine waves. The first wave was what modern science calls the Big Bang. This worldview means that evolution undoubtedly takes place, but it is purposeful, not random. “Established science has been fighting this idea of a living universe for a long time”, says Carl Johan. Why do the structures of the universe on all levels hold together? Because there is an underlying purpose, and because the universe is holographic: an atom is subordinate to a molecule, which is subordinate to a cell, which is subordinate to a whole organism, which is subordinate to a planet, a solar system, a galaxy and so on. “Otherwise everything would be just floating around in a soup of nothingness.” Evolution is quantized, as Calleman sees it. It takes quantum leaps, namely in the form of the Mayans’ nine waves, which in turn have peaks and valleys. This entails that technically advanced civilizations could not have existed before the sixth wave, which was activated in 3,115 BCE. “Yes, this is what you should expect if you adhere to the idea of a quantized evolution. It should not happen gradually.” With every new wave, a new state of consciousness becomes downloadable. The human mind changes. The peaks and valleys correspond to creative and destructive periods in humanity. The rise and the collapse of empires, for instance. The ninth wave is the final one. And it is already here. Forget the trope around 21 December 2012 – the ninth wave was activated in March of 2011. That year was indeed eventful. All the earlier waves are still running. Not every human and not every other organism will be fully influenced by the most recent wave. Some remain in a lower vibration. Myriad animals and plants that came into creation with earlier waves are still here. But the ninth wave makes it possible to reach peak consciousness. “That’s where we’re meant to go. That’s the highest frequency.” This ascension, as some call it, will be easier for the younger generations, Carl Johan Calleman thinks. “They will be able to create peace and unity, a form of heaven on Earth. But the time period until that happens will be very difficult. Maybe we will see a global dictatorship.”