133. The Thirteenth Sign Is a Portal – Isaac Rodriguez

Mind the Shift - En podcast af Anders Bolling - Onsdage


(Note correction at the end)

Isaac Rodriguez discovered, to his big surprise, that mainstream astrologers never really look up at the sky. As John Lash explained in an earlier episode, tropical (mainstream) astrology isn’t really about the stars. The signs are merely named after star constellations that approximately corresponded with the sectors of the signs a few thousand years ago. Isaac Rodriguez learned about sidereal astrology, the kind that goes by the actual star constellations and takes their apparent movement in the sky into account. With the precession of the equinoxes, the positions of the constellations constantly move – or seem to move, from earth’s viewpoint. If sidereal astrology were to replace tropical astrology as it is used today, the painful problem for people who are into this would be that their birth chart would be completely wrong. “I made up a term for this, ‘astrology collapse disorder’”, says Isaac. But the two models seem to work on different levels. A higher and a lower octave, if you will. Or, Isaac claims, in the divine reality (sidereal) and in a false matrix (tropical). “I see it like this: Tropical keeps you human, sidereal makes you celestial.” The tropical model keeps us in what the Hindus call samsara, the karmic cycle. “And if we stick to that, we will probably stay in the loop longer than if we study sidereal, which is the way to break the cycle.” The Church condemned real astrology but then allowed an astrology that is like a broken clock, according to Isaac. “So we’re living in a false matrix. Tropical astrology is about the very human issues, my love life, my job, my relations, whereas sidereal astrology is about ‘show me my deepest, darkest shadows, show me all, I need to get out of here’.” Tropical astrology has twelve signs. The thirteenth sign is crucial in understanding how to get the “broken clock” to work again. It is a constellation called Ophiuchus, which means the serpent-bearer. In ancient cultures it was associated with a serpent of some kind, like the plumed serpent in Mesoamerican traditions. And it is located right at the Galactic center, where there is a supermassive black hole, Sagittarius A . The Maya called it Xibalba, the crossing. This point was pivotal also to the Gnostics. This is where they located Pleroma, from where Sophia and Christos came. “Could it be that we have a connection to another world through that point? We have to pay attention to that part of the sky”, says Isaac. He tells about the many pieces of evidence for the importance of this point in the universe that you can find in Egyptian temples. Some groups have carried the truth about our immortality and our divine origin through history, and been persecuted for that. But why don’t we all know this? Because we have amnesia. There is probably a purpose for that. We are supposed to learn certain things through the illusion of separation and time. But some people who possess the truth hide it for nefarious purposes, Isaac believes. “The symbolism of the age of Pisces is separation from source. The separated parts are supposed to merge through matter, through the physical. But it has also created the opportunity for manipulation and brainwash.” Correction: Between the 13 and 13:30 minute mark, incorrect information about the name of a Vatican telescope is mentioned.

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