136. The Earth Wants to Speak with Us – Sten Linnander
Mind the Shift - En podcast af Anders Bolling

In the midst of a spiritual ceremony in the fall of 1996, Sten Linnander had a deeply transforming experience: The Earth made contact with him. As Sten heard a voice, he could see the planet in all her beauty, as if from space.He was instructed to go up on a mountain in Phoenix, Arizona, to continue the communication.“I hesitated. I am no Moses. But the voice came back. I was asked to come back to the mountain three times a week for three months. Then the transmission would end. And I did. And it was”, Sten tells.At first, he didn’t know what to do within the information, or teachings, from Mother Earth. But almost fifteen years later he went back to his notes, dug deeper, made renewed contact and wrote two books about what he had learned. It is hard for a modern human, detached from nature, to imagine how a planet could communicate.“Well, if you see the Earth from space, like I was made to do, it is obviously a living entity. As I see it, I am speaking to the sum of all the Earth consists of. In a sense, I am speaking to an Earth that includes me. The Earth also told me she experiences everything that we experience. She is so close to us”, Sten says.What was her core message?“The main statement was that she is alive and conscious.”The Earth also told Sten that humans have been like her children, but that we have now grown up. She said: 'I ask you to enter a living relationship with me, and the rest will follow.'She asked us to embrace beauty and sexuality. Beauty means 'mirroring the inside to the outside'.Sten’s communication with our living planet has led to two concrete projects.One is to build a device, preferably simple, that will enable intelligible communication between the Earth and humanity as a whole. Sten has made trials in collaboration with tech savvy people, but so far it hasn’t been successful.The Earth has said that later on, when communication can become more sophisticated, she wants to show us what the history of the Earth really has been like. We are unaware of many things that have transpired, she claims.Another project is to produce small, affordable ‘living globes’ that display what the Earth looks like in real time – daylight, weather patterns etc – and that everybody can have in their living room. The idea is inspired by the so-called ‘overview effect’, the awe astronauts feel when they see our common cosmic home in all its beauty and vulnerability.Many environmentalists hate humanity and blame every adverse event on humans.“If we hate humanity, it’s like a part of the Earth hating itself, because we are the Earth”, Sten says.“I have no time for negativity. There are plenty of negative aspects, but if you want to change things, you have to bet on the positive aspects of both humanity and the Earth.”“Some people are afraid of the Earth being conscious, because they think she’s going to hate us and kill us all.”But we really fear ourselves?“Yes.”The final thing the Earth told Sten was a beautiful prospect: If we were in intimate, conscious connection with our planet, the possibilities would be limitless. We would be able to improve energy systems, housing, transportation, water and food supply, disease prevention, love relations and relations with animals.“When I heard that, I thought, if this is true, I just can’t say ‘this is not for me’. I am on to something that is so incredibly big it’s high time I do something.” Sten’s personal website “I Am With You” website: Living globes project