The Story of Minimal-ish, 5 Tips for a Successful Podcast, Plus Some Tiny Changes

Minimal-ish: Minimalism, Intentional Living, Motherhood - En podcast af Cloud10

Join me for this special edition, bonus episode to celebrate half a million downloads of the podcast!

Today I'm talking about the windy road to creative "success" by telling the story of minimal-ish (it's surely not a straight path) PLUS talking about something I don't normally talk about - Podcasting!

At the end of the episode I give 5 tips for a successful podcast in case YOU have one or you're wanting to start one. I believe these are just a few things that have helped minimal-ish see the success it has. Though this isn't normal minimal-ish subject matter- I get asked about it a lot, so I decided to share with this fun bonus episode! Enjoy!

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