If You Lost Half of an Orchestra, What Remaining Instruments Would Produce the Worst Possible Sound?

Mass Daylight Savings errors. An atrocious traffic jam. Rampant occurrences of the bus scene from Whiplash. All of these highly-plausible scenarios could result in half of an orchestra not being able to attend a performance. In order to assist music directors around the world, the Modern Mucker sets off to determine the absolute worst-case scenario for a semi-orchestra so that they can plan to avoid this situation at all costs.   Thanks to our experts: David Charles Abell Boson Mo Brandon Bell Discussed in this episode: The Sackbutt Scott Joplin's "The Entertainer" Tchaikovsky's "Waltz of the Flowers"   — Credits —  • Created, Hosted, and Produced by Mike Schubert • Written and Researched by Ananya Hegde and Mike Schubert • Editing, Scoring, and Sound Design by  Brandon Grugle  • Senior Project Management by Fredia Lucas • Theme by Evan Cunningham • Art by Jessica E. Boyd • Executive Production by Multitude   — Modern Muckraker Online —  • Website: https://www.modernmuck.com  • Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/modernmuck  • Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/modernmuck    — About The Show —  Modern Muckraker is an investigative journalism podcast about pop culture questions no one has dared to ask. With the help of actual, highly-qualified experts, host Mike Schubert will apply excruciatingly thorough research methods and intense scrutiny to get to the bottom of these seemingly unanswerable questions. Season 1 releases new episodes on Mondays from Oct. 11 to Nov. 1 2021. Learn more at https://www.modernmuck.com

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Modern Muckraker is an investigative journalism podcast about pop culture questions no one has dared to ask. With the help of actual, highly-qualified experts, host Mike Schubert will apply excruciatingly thorough research methods and intense scrutiny to get to the bottom of these seemingly unanswerable questions. Season 1 releases new episodes on Mondays from Oct. 11 to Nov. 1 2021. Learn more at https://www.modernmuck.com