Moonlight Lore Update

Hey there everyone! Sorry this is not a full episode like I'm sure many of you were hoping for when you saw this get uploaded. I'm just dropping a small update about what life has been like for me at the start of this new year. I've taken on some freelance work to do Audio Narrations and Voice work for some people, so I'be been focusing my time on those projects and the regular release of episodes for Moonlight Lore will just have to wait for a bit unfortunatly. But don't worry, a new, full length episode will be dropping at the end of the month, so I'm not leaving you all high and dry out there. Moonlight Lore is just simply taking a little break at the moment, so expect maybe just a few shorter episodes here and there that don't really amount to, what I would consider, as being regular episodes. Sorry for delivering some not so great news, but I promise, once I'm done with this work, Moonlight Lore will be back in full swing with some very exciting topics! Take care everyone!

Om Podcasten

The place where History meets Mystery! Join your host, Jordan Hopkins, as he delves into intriguing stories highlighting the bizarre, morbid, and horrifying cases from all around the world. From spine chilling tales to monsters lurking under the moon, dreadful history can be found at every turn. Sometimes, real life can be stranger than fiction...