How Michelle Churchill Recruited 15 People & Did $35,000+ in Sales

She has hundreds of customers, she’s consistently recruiting and she’s crushing it with video! Listen to what Michelle Churchill is doing in her network marketing business and step it up a notch in yours. These simple strategies can help you get more leads, improve your prospecting and level up your recruiting! “I went live every day for 90 days on social media, and I didn’t get a single sale… Imagine if I would have given up!” More juicy resources: 00:00 - Episode intro 01:38 - From being a hard “no” to a Network Marketing Pro 03:39 - Here’s what it really takes to crush it daily 08:47 - Grow your followers on Social Media with these simple but actionable tips 14:00 - Capture and nurture your following using these organic strategies 16:33 - Scripts you can use when popping the question 18:55 - Two things you can do for 30 days to crush it on social media, with or without any promotion 24:00 - Episode outro

Om Podcasten

John and Nadya Melton are two of the most distinguished Home Business Experts and Top 100 Income Earners in the Network Marketing Industry. After spending 10 years building their business using offline methods and sacrificing family time, they turned to online marketing. This led them to explore and develop various online marketing strategies until they found the formula that worked for them and their team. Over the past 3 years, their organization has brought in over $100 million in sales and over 300,000 new customers. All without home parties, meeting presentations and three-way calls! Every week, John and Nadya teach the best network marketing tips and strategies, talk to top industry leaders and share real-world advice. Join them and learn everything you need to know about building a profitable home business around your life.