BALKAN I - Dr. Isa Blumi: Causes and Consequences of the First World War

In this episode of NASIM's series about the BALKANS, following a short introduction in Danish, Ali Abou El Zalaf Interviews Dr. Isa Blumi (in English) on the reasons behind, and the consequences of, migration from former Ottoman Balkan territories to the Middle East, in the period after the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire. This episode is about the relationship between the Western and the Eastern world during and around the First World War, and what consequences it has had for the Ottoman inhabitants of the Balkan areas. Dr. Blumi is an associate professor at Stockholm University and has written 7 books on subjects ranging from the administration of former Ottoman territories in the Gulf, to the war in Yemen. Enjoy!

Om Podcasten

I foreningen NASIM ønsker vi at udbrede et nuanceret kendskab til Mellemøsten. NASIM er et akronym for Netværk af Akademikere, Studerende og Interesserede i Mellemøsten og betyder desuden ”brise” på arabisk, persisk og tyrkisk.