The Truth About Grains: Yes, You Can Have Your Gluten-Free Cake and Eat It, Too!

With the growing number of people sensitive or intolerant of gluten, we decided to tackle the topic of grains, glutens, and healthy eating! Can you have your gluten-free cake and eat it too? We’ll discuss the root causes of gluten sensitivities and allergies here in America. We’ll share how our wheat products are grown here, why it’s different in Europe, and the dangers of industrial farming in the U.S. We’ll share all about Mama Z’s gluten allergies and how you can conquer your own allergies or sensitivities. We’ll talk about grains, sprouting and how our family chooses grains so we can enjoy our food in optimal health. Finally, we’ll share how you can find balance when eating grains and wrap with our natural living tip on the best way to cook gluten-free pasta! Episode Highlights: Topic intro and what’s in our diffuser (2:37) Behind the scenes on writing The Essential Oils Diet Book (4:11) Let’s talk about grains – and more about our cooking classes! (7:28) The truth about grains, chronic disease, and industrialized farming (14:27) How sprouting aids digestion (23:34) Let’s talk about gluten and gluten-free cooking (27:28) “Gluten-free” doesn’t necessarily mean healthy (35:30) Finding YOUR place of balance with gluten and grains (40:31) Natural living tip and episode wrap (45:47)

Om Podcasten

“Green" living is the new black, but many people are still unsure how to live a healthy, natural lifestyle. After spending the last 15 years experimenting on how to best balance health, work, finances, with family and everyday life ... Natural Living Family pioneer couple Dr. Eric and Sabrina Ann Zielinski, authors of The Healing Power of Essential Oils & The Essential Oils Diet, have cracked the code. This podcast goes deeper into their NLF world. Tune in to discover the behind-the-scenes mishaps and success stories that have inspired Dr. Z & Mama Z to help millions of people master the art of living an abundant life in this faith-based, family-friendly show.