Common Causes of Seizures In Autism [Podcast Episode #164]

As I write this I want to be sure you know it’s never just one thing, but a combination of them that triggers anything, including seizures. Autism is a complicated diagnosis with many underlying biological issues that need to be addressed properly so the body can strengthen on its own. We don’t want to mask symptoms, but work with the causes. Here are common culprits of seizures to be worked with: Diet  Remember that the gut controls the brain and up to 80% of the immune system, so take diet seriously! A diet low in carbohydrates and higher in Keto based foods is best. You can begin by removing the top 7 foods that contribute to inflammation and leaky gut syndrome. Get your free guide to them here. Please also see information and links to studies on the “Ketogenic Diet For Those With Seizures”. Histamines Histamines, whether food based or environmental can be a trigger for many things such as anxiety, sleep issues, increased stimming, mast cell activation syndrome, and seizures. Environmental factors can include things in and around your home such as chlorine which is not only in swimming pools but also in our household water. Always use a quality filter for your drinking water such as the Aquatru. Also use a shower filter to help remove chlorine from the shower since the hot steam allows it to enter our pores in the shower. has a shower filter and a bathtub bulb filter for those areas... Click Here or Click the link below for more details!

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Empowering Parents with the Resources to Naturally Recover Autism from a mom who has done it. Having once been told her son could not recover from his symptoms of autism Karen Thomas now shares what she has learned through over a decade of personal research and experience that has brought her own son to recovery. Her background as a Craniosacral Therapist allowed her the awareness that the brain could heal if given the right support. Karen shares the biological, holistic health-based resources she used to recover her own son. Learn how you can allow your child a clear path for a happier and more fulfilling life with improved communication, better sleep, improved social abilities, and overall improved health. Join Karen and utilize what she has to share from her knowledge and personal experience, along with special expert guest interviews to help empower parents and caregivers with the natural resources needed for optimum recovery.