Ep 22 - Boyd Myers - Methods To Madness

There are few times we get to engage/work with/call friends people that are LARGER than life! On this episode I've been fortunate enough to share Boyd Myers and his ridiculously, phenomenal story. Boyd is THAT person - living life without boundaries, without policies and utilizing his full agencies to saturate himself with all life has to offer. From powerlifter, body-building gym owner to over weight with a drinking problem - Boyd's story is that of crossroads. It's one of awakening that shook him to the core, as life has a way of doing. Most of us get the call and we don't answer; this is not that story. Boyd is not that story. Often it's heard of people "rising to the occasion" This is also, NOT Boyd's story; instead of rising, Boyd took the occasion by the scruff of it's neck and fucking curb stomped it, flipped it over and gave it a DDT. He not only rose - he reestablished the very expectations of his occasion itself.  Find Boyd Myer in the following: Twitter: https://twitter.com/boydmyers Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/boydmyers/ Linktr.ee: https://linktr.ee/boydmyers Find me in the following: Twitter: https://twitter.com/JustinLCopeland Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/justincopeland_/ Linktr.ee: https://linktr.ee/JustinLCopeland - Lists both main platforms this podcast is on! The next 60 plus minutes of this podcast is that story. Listen. Share. Subscribe.  Thank you! 

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Men leading from the front as fathers, husbands, brothers, friends. We look to discuss the disease that is mediocrity and complacency through acts and the motivations and determinations that make great men great.