Ep 17 - Justin Copeland - Reflections to the Future

There are years in our lives that just stick out more than others for a myriad of reasons. 2021 has been a year of that nature for us here at NIL. Why? For one, this is our birth year - 2021 saw the founding of Navigating The Intentional Life and the rollercoaster of amazing that it’s been in its inception. But this isn’t about looking back, it’s about what this year has done for the next. The intentional actions taken that have already made ‘22 a bigger and brighter year for the boys and me. Listen along - I hope you enjoy this jog back through this past year of massive change for us and grab some inspiration to close out this year strong. This is our first ever New Years Eve podcast…. Enjoy!

Om Podcasten

Men leading from the front as fathers, husbands, brothers, friends. We look to discuss the disease that is mediocrity and complacency through acts and the motivations and determinations that make great men great.