Hot Topics In Nephrology: Initiating Dietary Dialogue With Your Patients

Welcome to NephU’s Hot Topics in Nephrology Series featuring various experts in the field of nephrology. In this podcast series, thought leaders will share their expertise and perspectives on the latest developments and trends in the nephrology space. In this podcast, The Cooking Doc®, Dr Blake Shusterman will discuss how he prioritizes a discussion about diet during his patient visits.  Dr Shusterman will discuss when along the course of disease is the appropriate time to talk about diet, how to find the time, and what diet topics to prioritize so that your patient does not become overwhelmed.  If you are struggling to have these conversations, tune in to hear our expert’s suggestions.

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NephU is an engaged community of health care professionals and advocates collaborating to improve kidney health. Through increased awareness, collaboration, and information-sharing, our mission is to improve the future outcomes for individuals with kidney disease and other related conditions. Please visit for more information