Why it’s important that all teachers have an understanding of Neurodiversity.

Delighted to announce the next guest 🙌  Catrina Anne Lowri - Why it’s important that all teachers have an understanding of Neurodiversity.    Catrina is dyslexic and a bipolar teacher who hid her diagnosis until very recently. Since she started to talk about it more it’s led her to a whole new perspective, new career as an educational mentor and coach and a better understanding of her own needs.    My aim is to educate, inspire and motivate people to see a different side to Neurodiversty 💙     Please like , share and subscribe for more videos 🙌     If you would like to appear on one of my Neurodiversity Stories then please contact me on: [email protected]     Also follow us on:  Instagram Neurodiversity_stories     LinkedIn @neurodiversity Stories   Facebook @ neurodiversity Stories   A big thank you to our sponsor: Data OPS Limited Data OPS Limited is a London based bespoke applications developers that help companies better manage data and business processes. For more information please click on the link - http://www.dataops.co.uk​​     A massive thank you to our host Darren Clark who is a Global Neurodiversity Consultant 🌍    For more information please click on the link: https://www.globalspldconsultant.com​​  I hope you enjoy our stories and please subscribe to see more.

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Do you have a story around Neurodiversity I would love for my connections to hear your story 🎙 I’m putting together a series of interviews 🎯 My aim is to Educate, Inspire and Motivate people to see a different side to Neurodiversty 💙 Over time we will be covering many aspects of Neurodiversty, Dyslexia, Dyscalculia , Hyperlexia,Autism & ADHD. Do you have a story that you would like to share I would love to interview you. Here are a few stories that I have already had the please of telling.