PART 3: Review of Wallace D. Wattles The Science of Getting Rich on ”The Neuroscience Behind The Impression of Increase” Chapter 14

“We don’t have to engage in grand, heroic actions to participate in the process of change. Small acts, when multiplied by millions, can transform the world.” Howard Zinn On today's episode #316 and PART 3 of our REVIEW of Wallace D. Wattles The Science of Getting Rich, we will cover: ✔ REVIEW PART 1: Prosperity Thinking vs Poverty Thinking. ✔ Why are our thoughts so important for our results? ✔ Why are Chapters 4/14/7 important chapters for unlocking the "secrets" for wealth and abundance? ✔ Why must we THINK and ACT in a Certain Way to achieve certain results in our life? ✔ What is the Impression of Increase? ✔ What does Neuroscience have to do with this age-old success principle? ✔ 2 TIPS for practicing The Impression of Increase with EVERYONE you interact with. “Increase is what all men and women are seeking: it is the urge of the Formless Intelligence within them, seeking fuller expression…All human activities are based on this desire for increase; people are seeking more food, more clothes, better shelter, more luxury, more beauty, more knowledge, more pleasure—increase in something, more in life.” Wallace D. Wattles, The Science of Getting Rich Welcome back to The Neuroscience Meets Social and Emotional Learning Podcast, where we connect the science-based evidence behind social and emotional learning (that’s finally being taught in our schools today) and emotional intelligence training (used in our modern workplaces) for improved well-being, achievement, productivity and results—using what I saw as the missing link (since we weren’t taught this when we were growing up in school), the application of practical neuroscience. I’m Andrea Samadi, an author, and an educator with a passion for learning and launched this podcast 5 years ago with the goal of bringing ALL the leading experts together (in one place) to uncover the most current research that would back up how the brain. Which brings us to chapter 14 of Wallace D. Wattles’ The Science of Getting Rich, published in 1910 on “The Impression of Increase.” This is one of my favorite chapters, and one I know that my mentor Bob Proctor LOVED practicing The Impression of Increase. Brian Proctor talked about this on our recent interview EP 292[i] this past summer.  Brian covers this topic beautifully in his book, My Father Knew the Secret, in the 2nd last chapter on “Supporting Others.” Bob Proctor would practice this principal from Chapter 14 and say to “leave everyone you meet with The Impression of Increase” and I remember when I first began to study this chapter, I wrote in BIG LETTERS at the top of the page to “take the focus off yourself and put it on other people.” Then I circled in the notes section “go out and LOOK for an opportunity to help others.” Now this seems simple enough, right? We talked about the importance of understanding how Giver’s Gain in PART 1[ii] of this study. While I can easily go off on tangents while writing these reviews, I want to stick to how Wallace D. Wattles wrote about this concept FIRST, and then add in ways that I’ve seen others implements this idea. Wattles opens up Chapter 14 by saying “whether you change your vocation or not, you must direct your present actions to the business you are presently engaged” and he goes on to say that “you can get into the business you want by making constructive use of the business you are already established in—by doing your work in this certain way.” The next few lines I highlighted. He says “And, in so far as your business consists in dealing with other people—whether directly, by telephone, or by letter (yes, this book was written in 1910!), the key thoughts to all your efforts must be to convey to their minds the impression of increase.” (Chapter 14, Wattles, SGR). Remember there is an order to “unlocking the combination for success and wealth” in this book, and that’s to read Chapters 4/14 and 7 in this order for 90 days. I’m hoping to complete our review of these 3 chapters before t

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The Neuroscience Meets Social and Emotional Learning Podcast provides support for school leadership and the workplace with a proven approach for implementing social and emotional learning as it’s well-known in our schools today and emotional intelligence in the modern workplace, with a proven strategy to increase well-being, achievement and results, backed by the most current neuroscience research. Andrea Samadi, a teacher from Toronto, (now living in Arizona, USA) began working with success and social and emotional learning principles with students in the late 1990s. Her programs, and trainings, grounded in brain-based research and practical neuroscience, help parents, teachers, coaches and employees to optimize learning, well-being and achievement at home, school or the workplace. Learn more at