8. Journey back to yourself: Healing after a divorce with Coach Khadija Ibrahim

Today we sit with Coach Khadija Ibrahim and she answers questions concerning healing after a divorce. A lot of women find it difficult to get back to themselves after leaving a marriage, we speak on the journey back to yourself, understanding, acceptance and navigating shame in a society that is unkind to divorce women. We also speak on how we as a society need to do better, how we should be kinder and less judgmental. Such an interesting and educative listen. There’s a lot to take out of it and I genuinely hope you do. Find Coach Khadija on instagram: https://instagram.com/coachkhadijaibrahim?igshid=ZWQyN2ExYTkwZQ== Find us https://instagram.com/neverfullyunderstood_?igshid=ZWQyN2ExYTkwZQ== If you enjoyed this episode please give our podcast a five start on Apple Podcasts and add us to your playlist on any platform you’re listening to this from. Love and support, Fatima

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Unapologetically speaking on issues that matter, mainly focused on improving the lives of Northern Nigerian Women.