NIOD REWIND episode 3: Natalya Vince

NIOD Rewind Podcast on War & Violence - En podcast af NIOD Rewind podcast


Anne van Mourik spoke with historian Natalya Vince of the University of  Portsmouth. Natalya has carried out extensive field research in both  Algeria and France since 2005 including interviewing Algerian women who participated in the War of Independence (1954-1962) about their  experiences in post-colonial Algeria and their memories of the conflict.  Her monograph Our fighting sisters: nation, memory and gender in Algeria, 1954-2012 was published by Manchester University Press in May  2015 and was winner of the Women's History Network Annual Book Prize in 2016. Here are some links for further reading: The classic and path breaking account of women in the Algerian War - Djamila Amrane - Les femmes algeriennes dans la guerre (1991): Stef Scagliola, Liefde in tijden van oorlog: onze jongens en hun verzwegen kinderen in de Oost (Amsterdam 2013) Frances Gouda and Julia Clancy Smith's Domesticating the Empire: Race, Gender, and Family Life in French and Dutch Colonialism Ann Laura Stoler Carnal Knowledge and Imperial power: Race and the Intimate in Colonial Rule Frantz Fanon Algeria unveiled - free here: or On rape and sexual violence: Raphaelle Branche: (in French) In English, readers could check out her chapter 'Sexual Violence in the Algerian War'(pp. 247-260) in Dagmar Herzog (ed) Brutality and Desire: War and Sexuality in Europe's Twentieth Century (Palgrave, 2009; second ed 2011) On the Djamila Boupacha case: (not open access) This is a great recent article (in French - keep googling it for the online version): Khedidja Adel, La prison des femmes de Tifelfel. Enfermement et corps en souffrances.Année du Maghreb, dossier de recherche 20/2019-I: Prisons en guerre, guerres en prison au Maghreb. Co-edited by Marc André and Susan Slyomovics Shepard's The invention of decolonisation really highlights the ways in which the war was gendered and sexualised,, he does this even more in his edited collection with Catherine Brun, Indonesia, Jonathan Verwey's text.‘Hoeveel wreekt de bruidegom de bruid’ Seksueel geweld en de Nederlandse krijgsmacht in Indonesië, 1945-1950 Jonathan Verwey TVGESCH 129 (4): 569–592 DOI: 10.5117/TVGESCH2016.4.VERW

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