2.2. The Houston Recap Show

Apollo 13 may have had a problem, but the Houston Marathon and Half Marathon DOES NOT. What a freaking amazing race with so many implications for the Olympic Marathon Trials! Des was on the call in the booth, and Kara was following along from home. In this episode, they recap it all, discussing the men's and women's races for both distances.  This race had a little bit of everything with a smokin' time from a late entrant, a new American record in the half, the first L in history for Father Time, plus a number of Olympic qualifying ramifications. Houston is flat and fast, and the race always delivers. Des and Kara also discuss why an athlete might choose to do a race like this in the build-up to the Trials and what it might mean (or not) for their preparation. Plus, we get an update on Des's training and why she chose to be in the booth vs. on the start line for this one. Stay until the end for the first-ever Olipop top 5 with a juicy, double teaser from Kara about fun things to come. Pop an Olipop and enjoy!  

Om Podcasten

Once competitors and Olympic teammates, now friends and podcast partners, Des Linden and Kara Goucher share their hot takes about all things running with a little bit of life-stuff sprinkled in too. Come for the insights on running and stay for the inspiration from two legends in the sport. No filter needed.