WWF's Brent Loken on solving the great food puzzle

When it comes to the solving the climate crisis, food is a big part of the puzzle. Food is responsible for 1/3 of greenhouse gas emissions, but historically it hasn’t been in the spotlight of climate conversations. In today’s episode, I speak with Brent Loken who is the Global Food Lead Scientist for the World Wildlife Fund. We discuss the power each country has to create food system transformation. All of these natural climate solutions fit together to create an exponential roadmap for solving the Great Food Puzzle and reaching the biodiversity, climate, and health goals we’ve set as an international community. Give Thanks To The Show Has the show helped you learn about the future of food? Find a job? Make an investment? Partner with an org? Change how you eat? This podcast is powered by listener support and contributions. If the show has helped you in any way, please consider becoming a monthly or annual subscriber. Your contribution goes a long way to tell more stories about how we can create a better future through food. Make a one-time contribution to support the show here Related Links Episode Transcript Solving the Great Food Puzzle: Translating Global Goals into National Level Action Exponential Roadmap for Natural Climate Solutions TED-Ed: Can we create the “perfect” farm? 1:1 Coaching Programs with Analisa Winther C40 Cities on how cities are addressing climate change Connect With The Show's Host Add Analisa on LinkedIn Follow Analisa on Instagram Learn more about coaching & consulting services on www.analisawinther.com

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Conversations with individuals and organizations creating the future through food. More information at www.analisawinther.com