Girl Code

There are many "rules" when it comes to female friendships that have been debated forever... especially when it comes to dating. Can you ever date your best friend's ex? What do you do if you both have feelings for the same person? We discuss the answers to these questions and more in this week's episode. We conclude with the importance of female friendship, specifically where we are both at in life. Join us in our quest to find the answers to some of life's most puzzling conflicts when it comes to friendship! If you're reading this, we love you. Follow us on instagram @omwthepodcast

Om Podcasten

A lifestyle podcast for the twenty-something just figuring it out. Meet your hosts, Meghan and Alexandra- we'll be talking all things college, career, and young adulting. We're just as confused as you are. We're on our way, we just don't know where yet.