Day 01 - Supercharge Your Website Challenge

Welcome to the best bits from the first day of the Supercharge Your Website Challenge.This week we're bringing you an exclusive look at what we chat about in the evening live Q&A sessions every day for five days.Today it's Day 01 and we're focusing on the Challengers' ideal customers and the problems that they solve for them.I'll cover some useful takes on how you can stand out from a business marketplace to get the attention of your ideal customer and why it's so important to do that. I also cover info about some useful tools you can use to learn a bit more about your ideal customer too including: you back for the best bits of Day 02 tomorrow!

Om Podcasten

Welcome to Online Marketing Basics for Busy Website Owners! What you'll get by subscribing to this podcast is access to free tips and tricks to get your websites seen more online by your ideal customers. Hosted by me...Vicki Jakes, an online marketing and website conversion consultant with an aim to provide you with the answers to your questions about your websites, how they work, what content to post on them, how to get them seen more by your ideal customers using SEO, email and ads plus how to understand your data. I'll be interviewing special guests who are experts in their non-website world to help inspire you with their business, mindset, and specialist knowledge. You'll also hear from "real life" small business owners like you talking about life from the coal-face as they look to use their websites as THE tool for making them more money. I can't wait to demystify your website for you and inspire you with more ways to drive more customers to your business online!