Why Google's next big update matters to your website

In this episode of my weekly podcast 'Online Marketing Basics for Busy Website Owners', I look at how you can get your website ready for Google's next big search algorithm update 'Page Experience' to ensure that you don't lose out on search rankings when it rolls out.Google have given website owner's a year's notice to get our act together and ensure that are our sites are ready for the update, so if they think we need that amount of time (pandemic included) then it's worth taking note.In Google's own words [please link 'own words with https://developers.google.com/search/blog/2020/11/timing-for-page-experience] they have said that "We believe that providing information about the quality of a web page's experience can be helpful to users in choosing the search result that they want to visit."So if your website is poorly designed and not a great user experience then you're going to have to review and update or risk losing your ranking in search.Google have also said that they will be including Core Web Vitals in how they determine the quality of a page too, so anything you can improve on mobile-friendliness, site speed and user interface will only help too.I'm still learning about and following the experts on what we can expect so plan to revisit this topic again before May, but I hope the episode helps yo figure out areas of your site you probably could do with focusing on and how to go about improving it.01:57 Why I'm excited about this update05:02 Why you need to be concerned about this update too if you already rank highly for certain keywords or key phrases07:13 Mobile optimisation is still a really important part of website optimisation08:43 I use https://crossbrowsertesting.com/ to test my sites on different mobile devices09:42 Beware of of the pop-up11:02 Consider reducing the amount of content on your page13:12 Down with animated sliders!15:30 Check your site on https://search.google.com/test/mobile-friendly15:55 Speed is king!18:00 Check your website load time with this tool: https://gtmetrix.com/18:39 Try using a caching tool. More on that here: https://wordpress.org/support/article/optimization-caching/20:17 Get in the habit of raising tickets with your host and website provider to help you speed your site up.21:22 Check your site speed with Google here: https://developers.google.com/speed/pagespeed/insights/22:41 Design and user interface26:36 Try using a tool like https://www.crazyegg.com/ to track user behavior28:15 Get your users to tell you what they think!30:33 Some extra top tips

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Welcome to Online Marketing Basics for Busy Website Owners! What you'll get by subscribing to this podcast is access to free tips and tricks to get your websites seen more online by your ideal customers. Hosted by me...Vicki Jakes, an online marketing and website conversion consultant with an aim to provide you with the answers to your questions about your websites, how they work, what content to post on them, how to get them seen more by your ideal customers using SEO, email and ads plus how to understand your data. I'll be interviewing special guests who are experts in their non-website world to help inspire you with their business, mindset, and specialist knowledge. You'll also hear from "real life" small business owners like you talking about life from the coal-face as they look to use their websites as THE tool for making them more money. I can't wait to demystify your website for you and inspire you with more ways to drive more customers to your business online!