S03E12 The 1st Step, Gridwork, & Reconnecting The Energetic House

Katie continues the discussion on the fractures of consciousness, and suggests how coming into our "higher selves" or that whole perspective, may be just the 1st step back out into the infinite. Relatedly, she shares more about her gridworking experiences with "The AO" (short for Ancient Ones), and how we may find greater potential for (re)construction by allowing through energetic perspectives - and our felt emotions of them - than trying to (re)build the physical debris. Enjoy!

Om Podcasten

Katie is a former technology strategist turned reluctant spiritual channel. The Chorus is a collection of beings who enjoy sharing their perspectives on humanity's existence. Together, they take listeners on a fascinating tour of new ways to understand being human, as well as the incredible context into which humans are awakening now. As Katie discovers, it's not a choice between a human life or a spiritually ascendent one. It is through the experience of both that we expand into…our next existence. Find out more at https://katieandthechorus.com