MotoGP - Welcome to the Regulation Station Celebration

This week, we say goodbye to some of our most hated enemies. So let's all gather round and pay our respects to the Ride Height Device, a proper smart piece of engineering that had to be killed before it killed any of the riders. Joining it on its journey to the Great Racetrack In The Sky are its close friends, Over-Engineered Aero and Dirty Air. They will not be missed. You might have guessed it already, but this week we're all about the new regulations for MotoGP. There's some big changes co...

Om Podcasten

 You’ve seen the races. You know the bikes, the riders and the results. Now it’s time to learn the how and why of it all – and have a bit of a laugh doing it. Welcome to the Oxley Bom MotoGP Podcast, where Mat Oxley and Peter Bom give you your weekly update on all things racing. So grab a beer, turn up the volume and enjoy. Cheers!