PALM SPRINGS PHOTO FESTIVAL PODCAST #21, Two-part Conversation 40: David Hume Kennerly: Part TWO.

Photojournalist, political wire photographer & Pulitzer prize-winner David Hume Kennerly has been in the room with his cameras when nearly every major American political event in the latter 20th  and 21st centuries took place. White House photographer under Gerald Ford, he's photographed every president since LBJ and most world leaders in his 50+ year career. His often irreverent humor permeates his remembrances and descriptions of the circumstances that led to his greatest photographs in this podcast. Not to be missed. Parts I & II available.

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The Palm Springs Photo Festival podcasts contain interviews with its world famous and influential workshop instructors as well as others at the top of their game. The Palm Springs Photo Festival Connect offers professional, emerging professional and serious advanced amateur photographers the opportunity to study with legendary photographers, show portfolios in our celebrated portfolio review program, check out and shoot with the latest gear, attend cutting-edge seminars, symposiums, networking events and enjoy evening presentations by world famous image-makers. The inevitable relationships that are made or renewed at PSPF are often transformative!