In our 27th podcast, 48th conversation we chat with photographer Steve McCurry - world famous author of 27 books and recipient of countless prestigious awards. Steve and host Jeff Dunas talk about what it's like to work in the streets with very little gear and only one translator or driver to rock his immediately identifiable images. He talks about how he started, being smuggled into Afghanistan early in his career, Magnum, how to avoid smiles, his teen years fascinated by cars, drugs and girls and most surprising of all, his big, outsized McCurry-esque plans for his work after he takes his last walk down an exotic street somewhere with his camera. Come hang with us.

Om Podcasten

The Palm Springs Photo Festival podcasts contain interviews with its world famous and influential workshop instructors as well as others at the top of their game. The Palm Springs Photo Festival Connect offers professional, emerging professional and serious advanced amateur photographers the opportunity to study with legendary photographers, show portfolios in our celebrated portfolio review program, check out and shoot with the latest gear, attend cutting-edge seminars, symposiums, networking events and enjoy evening presentations by world famous image-makers. The inevitable relationships that are made or renewed at PSPF are often transformative!