PPM PAST SUS NEWS WEEK POST MORTEM #1: Burlington Shooting, Fusion Centers, Sin City FBI Sting, AmerIsraeli Collusion, & Behavior Modification Schools (TASTER)

ParaPower Mapping - En podcast af Klonny Gosch


Subscribe to the INDEPENDENT CORK BOARD RESEARCHERS UNION Premium Feed on Patreon to access all 3 hrs of this groundbreaking PPM news report: patreon.com/ParaPowerMapping ***Also, request for ya ParaPower Mappers: there's like 400 of you that are following the show on Spotify, but we only have 20ish reviews. Pls take 5 seconds to give the show a 5 star rating so that more folks can discover it. Gracias.*** This very first PPM PAST SUS NEWS WEEK POST MORTEM is all about FBI entrapment stings; fusion centers; the 3 tiers of mind control (societal, group, & individual); counterterrorism conferences at the Mandalay Bay hotel in Vegas; a purportedly "thwarted" attack by an Islamic State-stanning teenie-bopper terrorist in Sin City; recent fusion center leaks that evince extensive collaboration & the exchange of intel b/w Las Vegas law enforcement, a counterterrorism fusion center in NV, & the I*O*F & Mossad; the Burlington shooting; Burlington shooter Jason Eaton's incredibly sus background—including evidence that he was a "trouble student" as a child, his career as an instructor at behavioral modification wilderness programs, OSINT obsession, tenure as Pres. of Middlebury Solari (the "place-based" investment scheme & MKULTRA-pilled decentralized lifestyle cult founded by RW, former Bush admin HUD head Catherine Austin Fitts), & the fact that he was not only known to law enforcement in Syracuse, but had been named in over 30 police reports across the span of a decade, often for domestic violence incidents; the various crypto-fashy & SovCit dogwhistles on Jason Eaton's v curious personal website; we also trace the lineage of the behavioral mod schools that Eaton worked at from the Synanon cult to CEDU & their eventual purchase by Bain Capital; we uncover the intellectual vanguard running interference on behalf of said behavioral mod programs outta the Uni of Idaho in Moscow (uncanny), where Jason Eaton studied; which brings us to the tragic tale of William H. Eddie Lee, a 15 year old student who was suffocated by 3 instructors at the Oregon wilderness program Obsidian Trails approx 5 years before Jason Eaton would begin working as an instructor there; we show how this behavioral mod Prof at the U of ID (whom Jason Eaton may well have studied with) was quoted in numerous news stories re: Lee's death in the days following; and we end w/ the sad reality that William's killers escaped prosecution, despite the fact that the coroner alleged in a deposition following the grand jury's decision against indicting that he believed that the instructors' stories didn't add up due to the broken vertebrae & ruptured artery he discovered during his post mortem. We'll cont. w/ this line of inquiry in PPM PAST SUS NEWS WEEK PM #2, as we unpack James Yoo's controlled demolition to own the spies in Arlington, a spree killing in Austin w/ serious shades of Lewiston, & the UNLV shooting from days ago. Songs: | Beastie Boys - "Staring Down the Barrel of a Gun" | | Kofia - "Leve Palestina och Kross Sionismen" | | The Pogues - "Streets of Sorrow / Birmingham Six" |

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