UNEARTHING HOLLOW EARTH: Comp. Paranoid Analysis of Pynchon & "Lodge 49" (Pt. IV) - TEASER

ParaPower Mapping - En podcast af Klonny Gosch


Welcome back to ParaPower Mapping & a preview of the last part of our Comparative Paranoid Analysis of "The Crying of Lot 49" & "Lodge 49". To access the full EP, subscribe to the Premium Feed on Patreon: patreon.com/ParaPowerMapping This EP's investigations include: A history of the mythic, scientific, & crackpot manifestations of Hollow Earth theory; Nordic & Ancient Greek ex.; Thule & Hyperborea; Mircea Eliade; Zalmoxis; an unlikely Zalmoxis reference in CoL49; Hell/ Sheol; Cabala; Tibetan Buddhist legends of Shambhala; Theosophic Agartha; German folklore; a passage to the inner earth b/w Gotha & Eisenach; goblins/ kobolds; 'Alp' = 'Elf'; Nietzche; Peter Levenda; Unholy Alliance; Edmond Halley's theory of concentric spheres, based off of Isaac Newton & his "Principia"; the fact Halley's research was once again published in "Philosophical Transactions", demonstrating Hollow Earth's origins among high society (Royal Society); German Jesuit Athanasius Kircher & "Mundus subterraneus"; monks rappelling into Vesuvius; Capt. John Cleve Symmes; Symmes's notion of the "Pole Holes"; his circular soliciting support from Congress & wealthy backers; hopes of a Siberian expedition; Mandan, Apache, & Iroquois legends; Le Clerc Milfort's expedition; Capt. Symmes's Revolutionary heritage; Cotton Mather; Pytheas's search for Thule; the Symmes monument in Hamilton, OH; Jacques Casanova's insane & disturbing incest-ridden, young adult Hollow Earth fantasy called "Icosameron"; Symmes's failed attempt to join a Russian expedition to the N. Pole; Jules Verne; the Capt. Symmes influence & connection to Edgar Allen Poe & the fact the story that put him on the map was about Hollow Earth;... ...Hollow Earth & Nazism; WWI flying ace & school teacher Peter Bender; Koresh Reed Teed's "Cellular Cosmogony"; Bender's attempts to convert Germans & Nazis to his "hohlwelttheorie"; Blavatsky's influence on Nazi obsessions w/ Hyperborea & Shambhala; the Thule Gesselschaft aka Thule Society; Austrian mining engineer Hans Hörbiger's "Cosmic Ice Theory"; Himmler's expedition to Tibet, which we'll return to; Bender's friendship w/ Hermann Göring via the Luftwaffe; Nazi Naval Research Institute calling on Bender's "Hollow Earth" theory; the engineer Mengering's failed rocketry project & attempt to prove Bender's theory in Magdeburg w/ V-2 scientists; Hitler's "holiday camp" Colossus of Prora; Bender's experiment led by physicist Dr. Fischer; infrared telescopic cameras; Bender's theory that we live on the inside of the Earth; the utter failure of the expedition; Nazi command sending Bender & his followers to death camps; Thule Society member Prince Thurn und Taxis's involvement in the Palm Sunday Putsch; his execution by the Red Army—whole new layer of meaning on Pynchon's use of the family; post-war UFO sightings; legends of Hitler's escape via tunnels, submarines, or flügelrads; Argentina, Patagonia, or Antarctica; Shaver stories & Ray Palmer; the Nazi expedition to New Swabia in 1939; exoteric & esoteric interpretations of the possible motivations; Dormier Wal seaplanes "Boreas" & "Passat"; Admiral Byrd's 1946 Antarctic voyage; wild & odious story of Ernst Zündel, Neo-Nazi propagandist, Canadian Liberal Party PM candidate, cult-leader, & manipulator of the UFO community; PSA about the dangers of Nazi infiltrators in noided circles as exhibited by Zündel; his Hitler-like failed art aspirations; his attempt to charter a plane to Antarctica to search for the Holes; an abandoned Mormon trip in search of the Northern Pole Hole; Charles Manson & hollow earth in Death Valley; Pynchon's use of Hollow Earth theory in "Mason & Dixon" & "Against the Day"; the real-life Schiehallion experiment in Scotland; L49 & CoL49's use of "sub rosa" referencing Rosicrucianism, OSS, & Paperclip Songs:  | Lodge 49 Theme - OST |  | Loretta Lynn - "Coal Miner's Daughter" |  | The Carpenters - "Calling Occupants of Interplanetary Craft" |   | Megadeth - "Hangar 18" | 

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