UNLOCKED: Comparative Paranoid Analysis of "The Crying of Lot 49" & "Lodge 49" (Pt. II)

ParaPower Mapping - En podcast af Klonny Gosch


Unlocked to build anticipation for Pt. III and the first EP of a brand new miniseries, "Comparative Paranoid Analysis of the History of Nazi Occultism"—both dropping this week! Subscribe to access the complete ParaPower Mapping catalog at: patreon.com/ParaPowerMapping We discuss: The Mafia-military-MK-Ultra-music industrial complex; Paperclip; Zappa; mechanical failure synced w/ gnostic experience; man & machine; Pynchonian Luddism; St. Narcissus; nymphs; sexual transgression themes at Echo Courts; Is Pynchon King Kill 33° pilled?; Rites of Osiris; Book of the Dead; Hollander's argument that Oedipa & Metzger are Jewish; Pynchon's syncretic brew; St. Narcissus's role in moving Easter to Sunday; sanctification of the dead; the ghosts of wars' past's influence on world-historical events; Payola & the Payola scandal; The Paranoids; Pynchon's 'noided take on child prostitution in the music industry of the 1960s; Dick Clark; Alan Freed; Rep. Oren Harris; LBJ; Election Year 1960; JFK; Mafia & music industry connections; House Subcommittee on Legislative Oversight; Oedipa's husband Mucho sleeping w/ underage girls; Metzger running off with an underage groupie to Arizona; Las Vegas; Area 51; Oedipa Maas as reference to French ethnologist & scholar of sacrifice Marcel Mauss; Émile Durkheim; The Courier's Tragedy & Thirty Years War era espionage; the Bohemica Confessio; The Second Defenestration of Prague; Thurn und Taxis connections to Rosicrucian Protestants?; Emperor Rudolph II; Bohemian Grove; MK-Ultra; Operation Paperclip; James Jesus Angleton; James Foster; The Dulles Bros; encroaching conspiracy; Project Blue Beam; Nazi involvement at Area 51; Zapf's Used Books being a reference to Hermann Zapf (Nazi typographer & calligrapher) AND Francis Zappa (the chemist father of Frank Zappa, who worked on human subject chemical experiments); the nexus of the Cali & NY military, intelligence, rock n roll, & writing scenes; bars like the White Horse Tavern in NYC acting as cross-sections of said nexuses; McGowan's Weird Scenes Inside the Canyon; the reasoning behind my belief that Pynchon left breadcrumbs leading to Francis Zappa, which in turn brings Edgewood Arsenal into view through the enthymematic riddle that is CoL49; psychochemical research at the Aberdeen Proving Ground; Frank Zappa's childhood playdates w/ mallets & mercury; growing up w/ gas masks on the wall; Herb Cohen = Genghis Cohen in CoL49; the overlapping bios of Pynchon, Richard Fariña, & Herb Cohen; Herb Cohen's possible involvement in Patrice Lumumba's downfall; his folk clubs in LA; management of acts such as Frank Zappa, Tom Waits, Odetta, Tim Buckley, Linda Rondstadt, etc.; the fact that Pynchon was writing CoL49 from '64 - '66, the exact same years that The Mothers of Invention formed, hired Herb Cohen, & started gigging in LA; the uncanny fact CoL49 & "Freak Out!" were both released in June, 1966; Joan & Mimi Baez; Bob Dylan; possible allusions to LA kingpin Mickey Cohen as well as Herb Cohen w/ the Genghis character; Harvard U. anesthesiologist Henry Beecher's involvement in Operation Paperclip & MK-Ultra connected psychoactive compound research at Camp King in post-war Germany, calling back to MasSUSchusetts; tests conducted on military personnel & civilians at Edgewood; LSD; mescaline; THC; benzos; sarin; mustard gas; Winthrop Tremaine; gov't surplus stores; Dr. Diocletian Blobb; Scurvhamites; Tristero; English Civil Wars; CoL49 connections to Crowley's espionage in Mexico; the Tristero attack on Blobb as warning for King James I pre-Thirty Years War; musings about Tristero's counter-reformation & counter-revolutionary origins; "Grand Master" = Freemasonic GMs?; Angleton's Vessel Affair & his Nazi-smuggling project w/ the Vatican; & a helluva lot more... Songs: | Lodge 49 OST - "Theme" | | Broadcast - "Come On Let's Go" |  | The Mothers of Invention - "Hungry Freaks, Daddy" | | Dead Kennedys - "Nazi Punks Fuck Off" |  | The Coup - "5 Million Ways to Kill a CEO" |

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