UNLOCKED - Six Pointed Pedostate & the Int'l Sex Traffick: The Devil of Taganga w/ Fergal Schmudlach

ParaPower Mapping - En podcast af Klonny Gosch


Sub to the PPM Patreon before "3/22 as Mass Ritual (Pt. II)" crash-lands shortly: ⁠patreon.com/ParaPowerMapping⁠ Pls rate & review the show! You can also support us via: https://ko-fi.com/parapowermapping CSA trigger warnings abound for this conversation, friends. Immensely grateful to my interlocutor, great friend of the show & fellow para-podcaster Fergal Schmudlach, permitting me to re-release this ep which first dropped on his pod "The Kingless Generation". Pls support him! This is prob some of the riskiest research I've ever pulled together, as the mastermind of this child trafficking & drug smuggling ring that catered almost exclusively to backpacking I O F veterans & active-duty servicemen has avoided any meaningful ramifications for his abhorrent enterprise & seemingly lives freely in the Z***ist entity in the present day, insulated from Interpol & Colombian federales' efforts to hold him to account.  In this discussion b/w Fergal and I, we weave the saga of the Devil of Taganga, this former I D F soldier kingpin who relocated to Colombia after his initial int'l party drug smuggling network was busted in the early 2000s, where he promptly set about erecting a hostel chain from Bogota to the seaside village of Taganga through which he ran underage girls & drugs. In short, we take a brief break from our "Cork Board Church of the Paranoiacost" series to return to Year of the Tunnel territory, talking: the Crusader states; Japanese storybook exposes of Jesuit sex trafficking during Catholic led attempts to convert the isles; more on the Chabad tunnel fracas & the distinct possibility it was a psyop dressed in Messichist rhetoric; we break down... M o s s a d's use of Lubavitchers as agents, whom they can embed in foreign countries w/ ease; Jonathan Pollard & his much younger Lubavitcher wife; we parse a bunch of data & statistics regarding the proliferation of sex trafficking in the Z***ist entity, the safeguarding of sexual criminals who are treated as protected individuals, the avg age that Israeli prostitutes enter the trade (which is tragically in their preteens...), the prevalence of child marriage, and more, all evidence for the centrality of human trafficking to the Z***ist project, and said pedostate's reliance on sex & labor trafficking to maintain the colonial satellite.  The ep climaxes in the latter half when we go deep, diving into the Israeli organized child trafficking ring in Colombia that has endured despite repeated attempts to break it up, likely bc of high level military backing... A vile traffick allowed to fester, seemingly for the purpose of incentivizing service & brainwashing I O F stormtroopers by emptying their brains thru a variety of means (drugs & sex included). We get into some data indicating that the number of Israeli backpackers visiting Colombia has increased exponentially in recent years.  We're talking about how the Devil of Taganga & his posse of former Israeli servicemen came to run a seaside village on the coast of Colombia, turning their hostel compound into a drug den & brothel w/ the help of an ex-paramilitant & crooked cops, terrorizing the townsfolk on their 4X4 Jeeps flying Star of David flags, press-ganging the local girls into prostitution. One of the terrible fruits of their stranglehold on the formerly bucolic, tropical fishing village was a localized AIDS epidemic, so pernicious was their influence. We reveal how the Devil of Taganga, this Israeli kingpin named A s i B e n M o s h, would ultimately face deportation & still inexplicably escape all the charges brought against him, time & again. And how the cont'd criminality of his deputies, which he directed from afar, living it up while selling Ecstasy in Ibiza, ultimately resulted in the murder of one of B e n M o s h's rivals in Colombia. Sub to the Patreon for a more in-depth appendix! Songs: | Jacques Brel - "Au suivant" | | Funkadelic - "Cosmic Slop" |

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